Volume: 57s2 - Number: - year 1986


The contribution of Charles C. Shepard to leprosy research: from the mouse footpad model to new DNA technology
R. J. W. Rees


Structure of Mycobacterium leprae
P. Draper


Enzymes and other biochemically active components of Mycobacteria
P. R. Wheeler


Immunological and biochemical characterization and classification of Mycobacterial antigens
M. Harboe and H. G. Wiker


Lipid- and carbohydrate antigens of M. leprae
P. S. Brennan


Analysis of idiotypes expressed by anti-mycobacterial mouse monoclonal antibodies using rabbit antisera
J. Ivanyi and K. Praputpitiaya


Characterization of Mycobacterial species specificity of 14 separate epitopes which reacted with monoclonal antibodies to the 65,000 molecular weight protein molecule of Mycobacterium leprae
T. M. Buchanan, H Nomaguchi, D C Anderson, R A Young, T P Gillis, W J Britton, J Ivanyi, A H Kolk, O Closs, R Bloom and V Mehra


The characterization and immunoreactivity of a 70 KD protein common to Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium bovis (BCG)
W. J. Brition, R J Grasia, L Hellqvist, J D Watson and A Basten


Characterization of the 36 K antigen of Mycobacterium leprae
P. R. Klatser, R A Hartskeerl, W C A Van Schooten, A H J Kolk, M M Van Rens and M Yl de Wit


Simplification and Standardization of serodiagnostic tests for leprosy based on phenolic glycolipid-I (PG-I) antigen
G. Aguado Sanchez, A Malik, C Tougne, P H Lambert and H D Engers


Development of a dot-ELISA for Detection of Leprosy Antigenuria under Field Conditions
R. R. J. Kaldany and Ayenew Nurlign


Possible role of helper and cytolytic t cells in mycobacterial infections
S. H. E. Kaufmann, S Chiplunkar, I Flesch and G de Libero


HLA Class II restricted helper and suppressor clones reactive with Mycobacterium leprae
R. R. P. de Vries, T H M Ottenhoff, L I Shuguang and R A Young


Characteristics of human T cell clones from BCG and tuberculosis patients
A. S. Mustafa, F Oftung, G K Gill and I Natvig


The Identification of T cell epitopes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using human T lymphocyte clones
J. R. Lamb, J Ivanyi, A Rees, R A Young and D B Young


An HLA-linked gene controls susceptibility to lepromatous leprosy through T cell regulation
I. Kikuchi, T Ozawa, K Hirayama and T Sasazuki


T lymphocyte clones from leprosy skin lesions
R. L. Modlin, G M Gersuk, E E Nelson, P K Pattengale, J R Gunter, L Chen, C L Cooper, B R Bloom and T H Rea


Peptides as potential immunodiagnostic reagents to detect mycobacterial infections
T. M. Shinnick


Analysis of a leprosy-specific antibody epitope
W. B. Brown, W. A. Larrabee and P. S. Kim


Immunogenic synthetic peptides against mycobacteria of potential immunodiagnostic and immunoprophylactic value
M. E. Patarroyo , C A Parra, C Pinilla, P Del Portillo, M L Torres, P Clavijo, L M Salazar and C Jimenez


Solid phase peptide synthesis of epitopes that react with monoclonal antibodies to the 65,000 Dalton protein of Mycobacterium leprae
D. C. Anderson, R. A. Young and T. M. Buchanan


Immunohistochemical studies of leprous neuritis
R. Nilsen, R N Mshana, Y Negesse, G Menigistu and B Kana


Lepromin stimulates Interleukin-2 production and interleukin-2 receptor expression in situ in lepromatous leprosy patients
B. J. Longley, Abebe Haregewoin, William de Beaumont, K A Smith T Godal


Regulation of cell-mediated immunity in lepromatous leprosy
G. Kaplan and Z. A. Cohn


The specificity of the immunodeficiency in lepromatous leprosy
L. J. Reitan


Reversal of T cell unresponsiveness in lepromatous leprosy
I Nath


Anti-mycobacterial antibodies in saliva
M Abe, I Miyaji, T Okushita, F Mninagawas, Y Yoshino, Y Sakamoto and K Saikawa


Cloning of Mycobacterium Leprae genes in streptomyces
F I Lamb and M J Colston


Induction of protective immunity to mycobacterial infections
P H Lagrange and B Hurtel


Induction of protective immunity to malaria
R F Anders, G V Brown, R L Coppel and D J Kemp


Attempts to assess the contribution of T lymphocytes from the L3T4+ and LYT2+ subsets in the immunological control of cutaneous leishmaniasis
J A Louis, R G Titus, S C Mendonca, G Marchal and G Milon


The development of a vaccination model using two microorganisms and its application in leprosy and leishmaniasis
J Convit, m Ulrich, N Aranzazu, P L Castellanos, M E Pinardi and O Reyes


The relationship between delayed type hypersensitivity and protective immunity induced by mycobacterial vaccines in man
P E M Fine, J M Ponnighaus and N P Maine


The Karonga Prevention Trial - which BCG?
P E M Fine and J M Ponnighaus


Humoral immune responses to M. Jeprae in human volunteers vaccinated 'with killed, armadillo-derived M. Jeprae
H G Gill, A S Mustafa, J Ivanyi, M Harboe and T Godal


Murine T-cell reactivity to cloned Mycobacterium Leprae antigens
P R Salgame, M J Colston and N A Mitchison


The lessons to take home
N A Mitchison
